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Operational application mode and key technology of shipborne unmanned helicopter
SUN Shengzhi1, SUN Xiaoting2, ZHENG Weijuan1, ZHAO Xueyang1, MIAO Zhuang3
(1.China Coast Guard Academy, Ningbo 315801, China;2. Zhejiang DataCenter Data & Technology Co., Ltd., Ningbo 315048, China; 3. Information Research Center for Military Science, Beijing 100142, China)
Abstract: With the development of the ship borne unmanned helicopters, it has been widely used on marine combat, and it has become one of the important topics. From the view of marine combat, this paper described the key combat tasks about anti-submarine, anti-ship and air warning. With the progress of artificial intelligence technology, it researched three operational combat modes of shipborne unmanned helicopter passive mechanization, semi-autonomous informatization and full-autonomous intelligence. It proposed the key technologies of autonomous landing, autonomous formation flight and autonomous mission planning, and it provided important evidence and key support for the development of the unmanned helicopter combat equipment.