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中国无人系统产业联盟(Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems of China,AUVSC)是为促进《通用航空及无人系统公益发展计划》实施,由中国光华科技基金会、高博特军工联合业内主要无人系统企业共同发起成立的以从事无人系统产业研究开发、生产制造、大专院校、科研机构为主体,相关政府、用户及其它机构参与,自愿组成的非营利性社会团体。联盟以积极促进《计划》实施,提升中国无人系统产业创新能力和产品竞争力为目标,坚持创新、合作、发展、共赢的工作原则,联盟及其成员遵守中华人民共和国法律、法规,接受理事单位、相关行业部门及《计划》管理
Association for
Unmanned Vehicle Systems of China (AUVSC) is a nonprofit organization for the
promotion of Nonprofit Development Plan of General Aviation and Unmanned
Vehicle Systems (“the Plan”). Colleges universities and
scientific research institutes as the main part, AUVSC focus on R&D,
manufacturing, voluntarily participated by relevant government authorities,
users and other organizations. It is co-sponsored by China
Guanghua Foundation, Beijing Gobetter Advertising Co., LTD and other
enterprises in the unmanned vehicle systems industry and is voluntarily
participated by relevant government authorities, users and other organizations.
The goal of AUVSC is to actively promote the implementation of “the Plan”, improve
innovation of China’s unmanned vehicle systems industry
and competitive strength of China’s products in the
industry. The principle of AUVSC is innovation, cooperation, development and
mutual benefits. AUVSC and its members abide by laws and regulations of People’s Republic of China and are subject to supervision and
administration of relevant councils, departments of relevant industries and the
administrative department for”the Plan”.