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来源: | 作者:AUVSC联盟 | 发布时间: 2424天前 | 9377 次浏览 | 分享到:
现代科技的发展正在远离地面的高空里推动着一场颠覆性的技术革命,在新一轮科技革命和产业变革孕 育时期,全球创新格局面临深刻变化,一个庞大的、崭新的高空产业已然诞生。

现代科技的发展正在远离地面的高空里推动着一场颠覆性的技术革命,在新一轮科技革命和产业变革孕 育时期,全球创新格局面临深刻变化,一个庞大的、崭新的高空产业已然诞生。

A disruptive technological revolution is taking place high off the ground thanks to development of modern technology. In the incubation of next-round technological revolution and industry renovation, global innovation map is facing profound change, thus giving birth to an enormous, new industry in the air.


The exhibition will focus on the show of UAV, unmanned ship, unmanned vehicle, unmanned underwater submarine and bionic machinery and other newest types, technology and supporting services at home and abroad with comprehensive and professional exhibition platform. By holding the unmanned system technology achievements communication meeting with integration ofvarious and abundant exhibitions , technical exchanges, flight performance, aerial competitions, makers zone and trade negotiations, forming strong effect of the aggregation of professional exhibitors and business passengers at home and abroad, whole industry chain, hi-tech achievements, market information and talent and makers. By giving full play to the advantages of professional, it allows global visitors and exhibitors to understand major challenges in this field and provide convenient service of excellent cost performance. Also, it helps visitors to form partnerships in industry, technology and finance, and benefit from new business opportunities worldwide.